Sunday, 23 February 2014

Year of Projects 3: 23rd February update

I have to say, I have tried very hard to be monogamous to my current YoP project, but it is so difficult! I had a real argument with it last week, when the lace charts were refusing to co-operate and I kept having one too many or one too few stitches on the needle by the end of each row. Due to that, and the casting on of another non-YoP project, I have slipped a bit with progress and am not as far through it now as I wanted to be.

My nifty spreadsheet tracker now tells me I will finish on 25th April, if I religiously knit 10 rows a day from now until then. Last Wednesday, it was saying the 14th, which is another way of saying I haven't really worked on it that much at all since I last posted about it. I'm not overly concerned, because even if I don't finish till May, that's still months before I actually want to wear it!


  1. It may not be cooperating, but it is going to be gorgeous - is that a bead on every yo!! I like the thought of a nifty spreadsheet tracker!

  2. It's lovely and the color is gorgeous. I love your idea of a spreadsheet for tracking and forecasting. I need that as I have so many gifts throughout the year with grand kids birthdays and then holidays. A spreadsheet like that would help me stay on task...hopefully. Why didn't I ever think of that before? I have spreadsheets for everything, here I go!
    Where's the picture of your new "cast on"?

  3. Lace can be a tricky business. It really requires concentration. Did other knitters of this pattern come across the same issues?

  4. There are other issues with the pattern which I'll talk about when I've finished it, that others have shared. But there aren't many finished projects on Ravelry for me to compare notes to!

  5. I do love a good spreadsheet! Check back on Wednesday for pics of the new project!

  6. The beads are on every knit stitch between pairs of yarn overs. It meant the first section was slow going, but hopefully the effect is going to be worth it!

  7. I don't know if I'd want a tracker to tell me I wasn't behaving myself in knitting...

  8. I haven't tried lace before, and now I'm more intimidated! But I do love how your project so far, it's so pretty!


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